
Below I list my academic history, experiences, and interests. A pdf of my resume can be found to the right.


Select Experience

  • 2020-current
    Graduate Assistant in Huang Research Group
    University of Maryland, College Park, MD
    • Constructing faster distributed algorithms via asynchronous methods
    • Creating memory- and computational-efficient distributed algorithms via sketching and hashing (some which escape saddle points)
    • Building mechanisms to incentivize FL participation & performance
  • 2022-current
    Applied Scientist - Machine Learning
    • Building distributed training architectures
    • Constructing efficient and scalable ML algorithms for physical applications
  • 2022-2023
    PhD Research Intern
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
    • Researched edge-computing algorithms for micro-grids
    • Constructed a model-agnostic distributed algorithm (allowing devices to train with of cost or memory constraints)
    • Built a decentralized FL Python package

Honors and Awards

Academic Interests

  • Federated Learning (FL)
  • Compression & Hashing
  • Mechanism Design
  • Asynchronous Algorithms